2WiseGuys PC Repair

Tulsa, Ok. and surrounding areas PC repair and virus removal, On-Site Repairs. We will travel up to 30 miles from Yale and 51st Street with NO trip charge. Contact at 918-282-0051, or gary@2wiseguys.com, or 2wiseguys@2wiseguys.com. See our web page for self-help at www.2wiseguys.com We will travel to Oklahoma City.

Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

2 Timothy 2:3-4 “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November Special

Now is the time to get that checkup for your computer, with $20.00 off the first hour.
Call Rose 918-282-0051
This offer is for the month of November ONLY

Mention this special to your tech to receive the discount

Do you remember when we were out last? Well just like your car needs that tune up, so does your computer! Think of all the information that is stored up, can you afford to lose that!

Can you tell if your computer is running hot or do you know what the hard drive sounds like before it fails? Do you know what certain errors mean?

Most people wait till after the computer crashes to fix them, this is why maintenance on your computer needs to be done every three to six months, depending on the environment it is in.

thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, get your computer checked before it crashes, or any of your information is stolen by malware or virus

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